Faculty of the European Guild
Nilce Silveira
Fulvio Faudella
Uli Förg
Lukáš Kolek
Instructor at the Guild for SI and founder of the Crestone College of SI
Neal received his basic training and advanced training with Dr. Rolf starting in 1971 at Esalen.
He became a member of the faculty of the Rolf Institute in 1980, was subsequently the RISI's president for six years and became an Honorary Life Member.
In 1991 Neal left the Rolf Institute along with Peter Melchior, Emmett Hutchins, Stacey Mills and others to found the Guild for Structural Integration.
Until recently he was the Guild's president, and continues to teach both for he Guild in the United States as well as the European Guild for SI.
Neal has a great ability to clearly deliver the principles and theories of the SI work, and with his amazing sense of humor, strong spiritual and family base, he has become a guiding light for many practitioners. He has devoted his life to spreading the theory and practice of Dr. Rolf's work to his many students around the world. He has taught in China, Taiwan, Japan, Israel, Brazil, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland and across the United States and Canada.
In 1988 he was part of a study group that researched the effects of Structural Integration on ice skaters. The report can be downloaded here
Since 1973 Neal has maintained a private practice in San Francisco.
Neal's modesty with respect to our work may have kept him out of the limelight of the SI community - thus few people know that he helped set a world record in 2005. This event raised 50'000 Dollars for the victims of Hurricane Katharina.
Trained by Peter Schwind, Michael Salveson and Jan Sultan, Uli
has been an Advanced Certified Rolfer® and RolfMovement® Practitioner, certified by the European Rolfing® Association, for more than 25 years.
He was the first chairman of the 'Rolfing® Verband Deutschland'.
Uli works in private practice in Munich and has been using Ida Rolf’s 'recipe' as his main guidance in helping clients.
I am a practitioner of Structural Integration. I enjoy getting to the bottom of things and discovering new possibilities and paths.
I have loved movement, dance and sports since I was young, so I became an aerobics instructor in high school, later taught Pilates and yoga, taught classes at my studio, at conventions and educated future instructors.
Twenty years of instructing and over-exercising took a toll on my body, and there came a time of injuries and surgeries. I understood and experienced firsthand that a certain level of tissue damage and created imbalances cannot be "fixed" with exercise and massage alone. Classical physiotherapy did not help me either... Only Structural Integration allowed me to experience again (and maybe for the first time in my life) a feeling of lightness and flexibility in my body, but also in my life. I understood that changes in the physical body go hand in hand with changes in other levels of human existence. So it was an obvious choice for me to enrol in the two-year training and become a Structural Integration Therapist. I am still learning, but for the first time in my professional career I have lost the need to seek out other methods and other courses, my training now only deepens a method whose meaning, reach and depth never ceases to fascinate me.
I enjoy and find the work fulfilling, it is beautiful to watch the small and large miracles that happen during client meetings. I meet many interesting people. I am grateful to be able to offer others the opportunity to more truly and deeply experience their human potential.
I am currently working as an assistant in the Structural Integration training and I am enjoying it very much.
She became interested in SI when she saw its remarkable effects on the human psyche. Nilce taught Psychology and Body Awareness for the Rolf Institute (R.I.) following her graduation there in 1983.
As a founding member of the Brazilian Association of Rolfers (Associação Brasileira de Rolfistas (ABR)), Nilce was also instrumental in bringing the Rolf Institute classes to Brazil.
Thereafter, along with some of the R.I.'s senior faculty members, she helped form the Guild for Structural Integration (GSI) in order to preserve the original teachings of Dr. Rolf.
Nilce has worked both individually and alongside Dr. Rolf's chosen teachers in training students to practitioner and advanced practitioner levels in the U.S. and Brazil. Through her workshops, she has traveled the world to enrich the quality of work and depth of understanding of SI practitioners.
Having worked for many years alongside the world's most experienced teachers of SI, Nilce is now recognized as an expert in her own right. She is committed to establishing Dr. Rolf's work internationally, and in strengthening its position in today's marketplace.
Sono nato a Torino nel 1962.
Dopo un anno presso l'Accademia Navale in qualità di Allievo Ufficiale, ho intrapreso la carriera di danzatore professionista. In qualità di solista ho danzato dal 1985 al 2005 con diverse compagnie (fra cui Aterballetto, Arena di Verona, Teatro Regio Torino, GöteborgsOperan, Scottish Ballet) in spettacoli in tutta Europa e molti anni sotto la direzione del coreografo Robert North .
Nel 1997, in seguito ad un importante infortunio in prova, non avendo ricevuto alcun beneficio da qualsiasi sorta di terapia convenzionale, decisi di ricevere le sessioni di Integrazione Strutturale metodo Rolf (conosciuto come rolfing). Non solo venni curato dai miei mali ma fui anche sanato. Soprattutto fui messo in contatto con un nuovo me stesso che emergeva per la prima volta alla mia consapevolezza. Nuove informazioni nutrivano ora la mia struttura mente-corpo ed emergeva in me un senso di completezza e unità.
Non c'è bisogno di dire che l'incontro con l'Integrazione Strutturale mi creò l'urgenza di approfondire e mi spinse a condividere con gli altri esseri umani questo nuovo mondo di possibilità.
Nel 2003 mi trasferii in Colorado dove ebbi la fortuna e l’onore di studiare con Peter N. Melchior che, con Emmett Hutchins, fu uno dei due diretti discepoli della Dr. Ida P. Rolf ai quali la stessa affidò l’insegnamento dell’Integrazione Strutturale.
Negli anni successivi ho approfondito lo studio e la pratica dell'Integrazione Strutturale con insegnanti formati direttamente dalla Dr Ida Rolf, come Neal Powers, Jim Asher, Hubert Godard, ed altri come David Davis, Nilce Silveira, Liz Stewart, Maria Laura Gentilini.
Nel 2009 sono stato assistente di Liz Stewart nella formazione Base della Guild for Structural Integration a Boulder.
Dal 2005 svolgo la mia pratica a Torino e collaboro inoltre con compagnie di balletto europee (Krefeld Ballet, Saarländsches Staatstheater Ballett, Béjart Ballet Lausanne, GöteborgsOperanDansKompany, Tanztheater Wuppertal-Pina Bausch) dove amo portare l’Integrazione Strutturale metodo Rolf ai danzatori.
Eccomi quindi qui a condividere la “Esperienza Rolf” con persone di ogni sorta: danzatori, atleti, musicisti, cantanti, attori, persone comuni di ogni età, condizione, aspettativa, intenzione; qui a imparare ogni giorno un po' di più circa il potenziale umano che umanizza l’uomo; qui a rendere grazie e ad onorare tutti i Maestri, gli amici e le persone incontrate sul mio percorso con le quali sono felice di camminare insieme per un pezzetto di strada come un viandante amico.
I was born in 1962 in Torino, Italy.
I was for a year in the Italian Navy Academy as a cadet before becoming a professional dancer. Appointed soloist dancer, I performed from 1985 to 2005 dancing with many different ballet companies (among them Aterballetto, Arena di Verona, Teatro Regio Torino, GöteborgsOperan, Scottish Ballet) all around Europe and many of these years under the direction of the choreographer Robert North.
In 1997 a serious injury occurred during a rehearsal and, as usual therapies and medical interventions didn't help, I decided to get Rolf Structural Integration sessions. Not only was the problem resolved, but I was also healed. Moreover I was able to discover a whole new being inside my self emerging, new informations were feeding my mind- soul-body structure, a sense of completion was emerging.
It goes without saying, that this experience urged me to go deeper on this path and I felt I had to share this new world of possibilities with other human beings.
I moved to Colorado (U.S.A.) in 2003 and I had the chance and the honor to study with Peter N. Melchior, along with Emmett Hutchins, one of the two disciples put in charge to teach by Dr. Ida Rolf .
In the subsequent years I deepened my study and practice of Structural Integration with other Rolfers trained directly by Dr. Rolf, like Neal Powers, Jim Asher, Hubert Godard and others like David Davis, Nilce Silveira, Liz Stewart, Maria Laura Gentilini.
In 2009 I assisted Liz Stewart at a Basic Training Class for the Guild for Structural Integration.
Since 2005 I have been practicing SI in Torino while at the same time I ‘m collaborating with different Ballet and Dance Companies throughout Europe (Krefeld Ballet, Saarländsches Staatstheater Ballett, Béjart Ballet Lausanne, GöteborgsOperanDansKompany, Tanztheater Wuppertal-Pina Bausch), where I love to bring Rolf Structural Integration to dancers.
Here I am sharing the "Rolf experience" with all sorts of people: dancers, athletes, musicians, actors, singers, the general public of any age, condition, expectations, wills; learning more about human potential and expansion by the minute; being grateful and honoring all the Masters, friends and people met and meeting whom I'm glad to share a piece of path with, as fellow wayfarers.